Al- Farooq Public School is imparting education in a rural area, while being based at Karpi Village in Sultanpur District of Uttar Pradesh since July 2001. This school is running under the trust Foundation for Social Care, Lucknow. School has complete facilities for the growth of the school up to high school level. The Foundation of Al-Farooq Public School was being laid in 14th Mar 2001 by the renowned Scholar Ml. Farooq Khan with President of FSC-Ml. Zaheer Ahmad Siddiqui and Mr. Amar Pal Singh and regular classes started in 2002 session with few students. Our school got affiliated with CBSE Board in 2012. Now in 2021 we are providing education to approximately 400 students. We have smart classes also having a Library, different subject laboratories, fully equipped computer Lab and massive playground for different sports, fleet of vehicles for transportation. Time to time competitions and events have been organized by the school at different level of classes and students participate in these events with full enthusiasm.
Al-Farooq Public School has a vision to provide the quality education to all the communities which are downtrodden and not able to afford best education in limited income. We provide one of the best environments of education and nurturing the minds with same standards used in top schools of this era. We are focusing specially on rural areas where students are not getting even their basic education. We are now upto Higher Secondary Standard and making efforts for the Senior Secondary.
M.A. B.Ed. (Ex -Instructor and Language Teacher)
We are passionate about students being empower to succeed. As Principal I use all Hard Ware kits available to inspire staff, students and Community to work together to promote students achievement and well-being. Our institute focuses on moral, social and intellectual development of students. Teachers are providing activity and theme based learning with concentric method.
In addition to the work carried out in the classroom various clubs and societies are present to promote extra curriculum activities coupled with all types of sports. We assuredly have a supportive management, dedicated teachers and cooperative parents. Looking forward along with my staff to welcome you and your child to Al-Farooq Public School Where we are pledged to nurture kids into well groomed responsible citizen of India.
"Do the work with intention not because of compulsion" With all my love, best and blessings.